All Productions

2024  Die Drei Schwestern, Das Gostner Hoftheater Nürnberg, GERMANY
2024  Antigone, Theater Plauen-Zwickau, GERMANY
2023  Urfaust, Volkstheater Rostock, GERMANY
2022-23  Madonna de Lempicka, Neu Start Kultur Project, GERMANY
2023  Gift, Theater Plauen-Zwickau, GERMANY
2022  Krankheit der Jugend, Volkstheater Rostock, GERMANY
2022  Mater Furiosa, Instytut Teatralny Warszawa, Centrum Kultury Lublin, Teatr Chorea Lódź, POLAND
2022  Bovary, Gostner Hoftheater, GERMANY
2022  Isolamento – Ein Triptychon, GVL / Neustart Kultur, GERMANY
2021  Fräulein Julie, Volkstheater Rostock, GERMANY
2020  Stepmother Home. My Mother the Stolen Child, Theater unterm Dach in Berlin, GERMANY & Grotowski Institute in Wrocław, POLAND
2019  Seagull by Chekov, UMCS & The Centre of Cultures in Lublin, POLAND
2019  The Trojan Women by Euripides, UMCS & Centre for Culture in Lublin, POLAND
2019  Moments by Joanna Lewicka, Noc Kultury in Lublin and Menų Spaustuvė in Vilnius, LITHUANIA
2019  The Land of Smiles, operetta by Franz Lehar, Oper Lublin, POLAND
2018  STRYJENSKA. Let’s Dance, Zofia! based on a play by Anna Duda, Polish Culture Institute in Rome, ITALY & The Centre of Cultures in Lublin, POLAND
2018  WOMENSTATE. A Choir For One Actress by Magdalena Mróz, Grotowski Institute Wroclaw, POLAND
2017  Growing Wings based on Heinrich von Kleist, featuring actors from Germany, Poland and Russia at Kleistfesttage, Frankfurt, GERMANY
2017  Seven Wishes by Joanna Lewicka, Centre for Culture in Lublin, POLAND
2017  Żywi i umarli czyli bandyci w piekle, Teatr Stary in Lublin, POLAND
2015  +LOVE by Joanna Lewicka, Piękno Panie Gallery in Lublin, POLAND
2015  LubLove, a triptych concerned with the theme of love, Lublin, POLAND
2015  Matka Polka Teatralna, Cultural Centre DDK in Lublin, POLAND
2015  At The Bridge By Strong Wind by Bastien Fournier, Centre for Culture in Lublin, POLAND
2014  ABC, featuring Polish and Ukrainian youth at Teatr Stary in Lublin, POLAND
2014  Vulva, Labyrinth Gallery in Lublin, POLAND
2014  Mothers by Piotr Rawicki, Centre for Culture in Lublin, POLAND
2014  Expedition Mrożek, Academy Theatre in Lublin, POLAND
2015  Our Wives by Eric Assous, Stage 602 in Rostock, GERMANY
2013  My Anxiety Is Carrying A Weapon by Mateusz Pakuła, Centre for Culture in Lublin, POLAND
2013  NippleJesus by Nick Hornby, Kunsthalle Rostock and Stage 602 in Rostock, GERMANY
2013  The Driveless based on Faust by J.W.Goethe, Piękno Panie Gallery in Lublin, POLAND
2013  The Death of Caliban by Magdalena Fertacz, Centre for Culture in Lublin, POLAND
2012  The Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, Polish National Theatre in Warsaw, POLAND
2012  The Day After, Polish Institute Dusseldorf, GERMANY
2012  Imagine Our Nation, youth production at Theatre London – Kingston, ENGLAND
2012  Strange Bodies by Julia Hołowińska, Centre for Culture in Lublin, POLAND
2011  We Are All Well Together by Dorota Masłowska, Polish Institute Düsseldorf, POLAND
2010  The Madman and the Nun by S.I.Witkiewicz, Polish Institute Düsseldorf, GERMANY
2009  Ivonne, Princess of Burgundy by Witold Gombrowicz, Polish Institute Düsseldorf, Music Theatre in Gliwice, POLAND
2010  I Am Not Afraid Of You, Othello! by Artur Pałyga, Teatr In-Vitro in Lublin, POLAND
2009  Andromache by Jean Racine, Teatr Współczesny in Szczecin, POLAND
2008  Tango by Sławomir Mrożek, Staatstheater in Wiesbaden, GERMANY
2007  Tango by Sławomir Mrożek, Staatstheater in Darmstadt, GERMANY
2006  Ich – Elektra based on Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Richard Strauss, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach
2006  Puzzle by Szymon Wróblewski, Stadttheater Heidelberg (Festival Stückemarkt), GERMANY
2005  The Wolf-Gang by Tom Lanoye, Stadttheater in Gießen, GERMANY
2005  The Party by Sławomir Mrożek, Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, GERMANY
2004  Merlin or The Desert Land by Tankred Dorst, Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, GERMANY